galston community news

Council Welcomes NSW Government’s Support for Vision for Future of Housing Supply in Hornsby Shire

Hornsby Shire Council has cautiously welcomed plans unveiled by the New South Wales Government to address the supply of housing in the state by rezoning land around eight rail stations, including Hornsby — providing an opportunity to enhance progression of Council’s recently adopted Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan.

Adopted at its General Meeting in November of 2023, the Masterplan seals Council’s commitment to long-term future housing provision and comes to fruition after five years of strategic planning, supported by comprehensive studies and analysis and prepared in collaboration with state agencies, land-owners and significant community consultation.

In line with the stage government’s objective to accelerate housing supply, the Masterplan provides an ambitious vision to facilitate the delivery of over 4,900 dwellings and 4,500 new jobs in towers up to 36 storeys in height — a boost in population that requires careful planning and commitment by all levels of government to ensure coordinated delivery of supporting infrastructure.

“Hornsby Shire Council has a proven track record of successfully preparing local housing strategies in close consultation with our community while respecting the unique bushland setting that defines Hornsby Shire,” said Hornsby Shire Mayor the Hon Philip Ruddock AO.

“I’m very proud of the immense amount of work that has gone into ensuring that our Masterplan delivers not only adequate housing but also design excellence, environmental sustainability, heritage conservation and creation of quality places for people to live, work and recreate. Critical to the success of this Masterplan is the delivery of the essential infrastructure which will ensure that the current and future community of Hornsby Shire experiences a liveable and sustainable environment.

“We welcome the State Government’s recognition for this need and look forward to a collaborative approach in delivering the Masterplan’s facilities, improvements and upgrades as identified by our extensive planning and consultative processes,” he said.

For more information about the Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan visit: