galston community news

The Vintage and Classic Car Hub Workshop

You are invited to the official opening of The Vintage and Classic Car Hub Workshop

“Bringing together experts and amateurs; owners and
enthusiasts who love vintage and classic cars”
8.30 am Sunday, 15th October 2017
The Hub Workshops, Riverstone

08.30 Arrival and registration.
09.00 Welcome and introductions.
09.15 Shared ownership options for classics – syndications, partnerships and fractional ownership.
09.45 Free time.
10.15 Reducing costs of ownership #1 – Minimising maintenance and restoration costs.
10.45 Free time.
11.15 Reducing costs of ownership #2 – Income earning options for your classic.
11.45 Close

There is no charge, but entry is by ticket only and tickets are limited. You can book through our new website: Hope to see you there