galston community news
By Chris Noon - Still Creek Landcare

One of the major reasons many people come to this area is to live among nature. Living in nature has been shown to reduce stress and enhance mental health. People plant trees on their land for lots of reasons, from aesthetics to functional purposes.

But what about the streets? Some streets have native plants while others are bare. Compare the two sides of the street in the photo. On one side local native small trees, shrubs and grasses were planted a year ago on the barren verge. Being local provenance, they are growing well and will be a contrast to the opposite bare verge: a lasting tribute to the people who planted them.

  • Trees help us:
    • Make the area and buildings cooler on hot days
    • Improve aesthetics: look much better
    • Collect and store carbon to minimize the impact of climate change
    • Provide food and habitat to animals and so attract wildlife
    • Clean the air and provide oxygen
    • Increase rainfall near forests
    • Slow water runoff, stabilise the soil and reduce erosion
    • Absorb noise pollution.

Don’t want big trees? Get smaller trees or shrubs: in the photo they are small for the power lines.

Don’t like gum trees? Get other local provenance varieties instead.

Don’t like any native plants? Get exotic varieties from a commercial nursery.

Landcare can currently provide free local provenance native plants through our Trees for Weeds program: trees, shrubs and grasses, plus advice on where and how to plant them. Feel welcome to contact us for further information or we can arrange a site visit.

If you would like help or further information, contact Nick on 9653 2056, via email [email protected] or visit Still Creek Landcare at or on Facebook.

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