galston community news

An Important Choice this Election


We have a very important election on 21 May. It will be a critical choice for our community and our nation. It’s a choice that will have consequences for everyone. I’m committed to using my experience as your local MP to make our community and our country, better.

election on 21 May laws Julian Leeser Net Zero, our communities

Our Government has protected lives and livelihoods during the pandemic with:

  • one of the lowest death rates in the world
  • some of the highest vaccination rates in the world and
  • a strong economy with the lowest unemployment in 48 years.

Locally we have delivered NorthConnex which has taken 6,000 trucks off Pennant Hills Road each day making journeys quicker and safer and Pennant Hills Rd quieter. We are upgrading infrastructure including at Greenway Park and Pennant Hills Park. And through the Government’s $1.3 Billion telecommunications fund we are delivering more funding for telco infrastructure in communities like ours.

Our Government is relieving families from cost of living pressures. Around 58,900 taxpayers in Berowra will benefit from tax relief of up to $1,500 this year and all Australians are saving 22 cents a litre on petrol.

We strengthened Medicare by making telehealth consultations permanent. And we’re supporting small businesses to invest in training and technology. We are committed to the largest peacetime increase to the defence workforce to ensure we are ready to face emerging threats.

But all of this is under threat if we change the Government. This is not a time to risk our economic recovery or our national security. I hope you will give me the opportunity to continue to serve our community.