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There’s an APP for That…

Love my food and wine

Vivino is one of my go to apps when I need to know about a particular wine. It is a bit like the Tripadvisor of wines. You take a photo of the label of the bottle and then you can access ratings, reviews and pricing. This is extremely useful if you are travelling and are unsure of the wine you are selecting. The reviews are submitted by individuals.

Recently I was travelling to Albury on the Victorian border. We wanted to find a good pub for lunch. I find Google Maps is great for this. Once you set your destination and begin, you then have the option to search. Standard settings are petrol stations, restaurants and supermarkets. I clicked on the Search icon and typed ‘Pub’. We chose a pub at Jugiong which Google told us was a quick detour and had been rated at 4.5 stars. It was a great stop and good to get away from the large service centres along the highway.

I have also used the viaMichelin app when I travelled in France for locating good restaurants. The app lists all restaurants that have been Michelin reviewed and advise price categories along with directions and contact details.

There are over 2 million apps available. These are just a few that I have found throughout the years of helping people with their Apple devices and computers.

If you are struggling to understand your Apple device, please give me a call and we can discuss One to One classes. Or perhaps you have a group of friends who would like to learn how to use their iPhone camera? How about a three hour
Photo to Frame workshop!

Debbie Does I.T.  Contact: 0418296217   Visit

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