galston community news

The Wisemans Ferry Recovery Centre is NOW OPEN.

If you have been affected by the recent floods and require assistance, we encourage you to visit the Wisemans Ferry Recovery Centre, which is located at the ‘Retreat at Wisemans’ (5564 Old Northern Road, Wisemans Ferry.)

At the centre you will have access to both Government and non-Government agency representatives who will be able to assist you with:

  • Financial assistance for individuals, primary producers, and small businesses;
  • Accommodation assistance and advice;
  • Help with replacing lost documents;
  • Mental health and wellbeing services;
  • Clean-up bookings;
Insurance and legal support
This week’s Operating Hours: Monday – Friday from 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 2pm
From Monday 18 July:
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10am to 4pm
  • Thursdays from 12 midday to 7pm (hours could be subject to change – please check website prior to visiting)
  • Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 2pm
Wisemans Ferry Recovery Centre