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The Red Box is an innovation of Lindus Dry Cleaners which offers the convenience of dropping off or picking up your items outside of regular business hours. Now that is convenient!

It is similar to an ATM. The Lindus Redbox allows you to organise your time around your schedule, not the store trading hours.

The Red Box is outside, at the front of the shop, in Dural Mall and is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is also a Red Box option at Wakefield Business Centre Unit 12 276 New Line Road Dural. The Red Box, situated on the right-hand front corner of the complex and offers car spaces directly alongside. This drop off and collection point is also accessible at any time.

Simply deposit your garments whenever it suits. The order will be processed, and you will be alerted via SMS that your items are ready for collection. You then collect your professionally cleaned garments at a time convenient to you. Lindus Motto is ‘Safe, Reliable and Convenient’ The Red Box delivers on all its promises, so why not make it work for you.

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