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The Northholm Difference

Northholm Grammar was established in 1983 with a vision of a dynamic, caring school that would foster the worth of the individual, encourage academic and sporting excellence and promote Christian values.

It is a family-centred school which looks upon its students, parents and staff as part of a “community” striving for a common goal. Northholm Grammar delivers a distinctive education that offers a level of care beyond that available at larger independent schools where each child is known, respected, cared for and cared about.


The distinctiveness of Northholm Grammar is highlighted through three unique qualities that establishes the infrastructure to succeed today and meet the challenges for tomorrow.

The first distinctive quality is relationships.
The purpose of a Northholm education was to create an environment in which supportive and inspiring relationships between staff, pupils, and parents could flourish. A focus on character has supported the development and maintenance of positive relationships within and across the school – but also depended on them.

Our contemporary structure as an All-Through School has encouraged positive interactions between younger and older students developing a support network in modelling good character.

The second distinctive quality is personalisation.
Northholm Grammar supports the personalised experience of the journey for each student through reflecting our school-wide commitment to moral purpose, scholarship and high excellence in challenging, supporting and knowing every student. And through the development of student confidence, competence and leading towards autonomy and self-actualisation.

The third distinctive quality is community.
Belonging to a school community is a deeply formative experience: it shapes student’s character. We are a school that promotes in each student a strong sense of belonging and service to the community through our opportunities for representation, leadership and community engagement. The vision of the school is to ensure that the vast potential that our young people have to offer to our community is maximised and celebrated.

Phone: 02 9656 2000
Email: [email protected]

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