galston community news

The Galston VIEW Club

By Pam Evans - President Galston VIEW Club

The Galston View Club recently celebrated 29years raising money for The Smith Family Learning for Life program. The birthday luncheon was well received with approx. 50 members from our own club & other View clubs.

  • How it all began – 1960

George Forbes, secretary of The Smith Family, had the vision that women wanted more than just being a housewife. So he looked to the public for moral and financial support of his programme in order to help the state’s poor and needy. He proposed the formation of clubs designed to give the average woman stimulus, outside interests and social companionships, as well as raising money for The Smith Family. This consideration motivated the VIEW Club’s formation – ‘Voice, Interest and Education of Women’.

We tend to forget that in the 1960’s women often had to make an irreversible choice between marriage and a career, education and family.

The first VIEW Club formed was Balgowlah NSW and the VIEW Clubs grew from there to all States and Territories throughout Australia. A convention is held every two years where a National Executive is elected. At the conventions, various resolutions are presented and voted on; then they are lobbied at various levels of Local, State and Federal governments. One resolution was ‘Breast Screening’, which still takes place today and helps save lives for those suffering from breast cancer.

Regarded as a valued part of The Smith Family in their support for ‘The Learning for Life’ programme, VIEW Clubs of Australia, boost over 300 clubs and have over 15,000 women members.

As one in six children and young people lives in poverty in Australia today The Galston VIEW Club proudly supports six students.

VIEW Clubs of Australia celebrated 60 years of VIEW in 2020; disappointingly, the celebrations were interrupted by COVID-19. Many children and families over these 60 years have had the benefit of the help given by The Smith Family. Next year, 2022, The Smith Family will celebrate 100 years of helping disadvantaged children and families.

In March this year VIEW Clubs of Australia announced Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley as the organisation’s first-ever Patron.

Galston View will be holding a fashion parade at The Galston Club, 21-25 Arcadia Rd, Galston on Thursday 6th May 2021, Fashions by ‘Black Pepper Winter Collection’…11am for 11.30am.. All welcome.. Bookings Shirley 0414 548 468.

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