galston community news


Great news! Council has now agreed to allow us to open the museums each Tuesday, and also on the Second Sunday of each month. We may be able conduct our Australia Day open day on 26 January 2021 too. Of course, everyone has to abide by any restrictions the Government may have in place at the time, but these are being relaxed progressively, and will not impact very much.

The Howard Hauler is an interesting machine. We found it had been fitted with an electric start, having various parts related to a generator, battery etc. The “experts” said, “No such thing! They were never fitted with an electric start”. Knowing that it was used at Central Railway Station for transporting passengers’ luggage to the luggage van on the steam train platforms, we can only conclude that Howards fitted electric start to special order. Our challenge now is to locate some very elusive electrical parts (starter and so on), so we can restore it to its original condition, and show those boffins up. Its chassis has been painted now, and we will soon have some nice Australian hardwood timber for the decking.

The International truck project proceeds in various directions. The engine continues to cause angst, and it is the focus of attention to try and overcome its problems. Photographed are our two enginemen, Vern (holding piston) and Rob, with the engine in pieces – again! We think we are on the right path now – but haven’t we said that before?

An item that has come up magnificently is a pair of mounts for the front of the proposed cab. These have been completely fabricated from scratch, copied from a photograph, and look indistinguishable from original. We have some great skills amongst our members, and also acknowledge the contributions of local engineering shops.

The slow process of painting and staining the wheels is nearing completion too. It will be a red-letter day when it rolls on its own wheels. The gardens would benefit from some of that La Nina rain they have been promising, as we all would, I am sure. That lovely stand of November lilies will be in flower about the time you are reading this. They are located either side of the front entrance to “Netherby Homestead”.

If you would like to contact us, call Ian 0419 435 475, or Vern 0405 703 413.much.

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Mr. Mend