galston community news

The Dharug and Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society

Invites you to Jane Austen’s Secret D’Arcy Wentworth – was there an Australian connection? An afternoon with our Special Guest Speaker Wal Walker

Please join us at the Chapel on Saturday, May 25th where we are pleased to welcome Wal Walker author of Jane & D’Arcy. Wal is a descendant of the colonial surgeon D’Arcy Wentworth who forensically researched and comprehensively recorded volumes to see if D’Arcy was the love of Jane Austen’s life.

Wal Walker found the search into Jane Austen’s past engrossing. Driven by a long spoken whisper among the distinguished Australian Wentworth family, Wal Walker begins an investigation equal to a modern day detective hunt to discover why his family believed there was a connection between his notorious but significant colonial ancestor D’Arcy Wentworth and the respectable spinister & author Jane Austen in Regency England.

Wal Walker discovered that there were gaps in the historical trail, with documents that have been mysteriously lost or deliberately destroyed – these gaps in Jane Austen’s letters/documents prior to 1796 are significant. Why? What scandal around Jane Austen was the family trying to suppress? This cover up fuelled Wal Walker’s search as it was in an age where family scandal meant social death.

We will meet at the Chapel at 12.00pm for lunch at 12.30 pm.

Wal Walker will commence his talk at the Wesleyan Chapel, 6445 Wisemans Ferry Road, Gunderman after lunch.

Cost:- Members $15/Non- Members $20.

Bookings essential:- [email protected] or 0405 321 478 (leave a message) by Monday, 20th May for DLHHS Members and by Wednesday, 22nd May for Non-Members.
All welcome.

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