galston community news

Thanks to the Galston Club

Fire can often be within a concealed roof or wall space, or deep within piles of vegetation. Galston Rural Fire Brigade has attended many house fires where the ability to quickly identify where fire may be burning or smouldering, can mean the difference between a rapid, highly destructive, uncontrollable fire or extinguishing it quickly before it can spread or re-ignite, minimising damage.

A key tool that enables us to do this is a Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC). This highly technical and valuable item of equipment can cost over $9,000. As this equipment is not standard issue within the Rural Fire Service, with brigades wishing to improve their standard of service to the community needing to fundraise or seek community grants for these items.

The Galston Club’s local community grants program has allowed our brigade to seek replacement of the TIC for Galston Pumper as the old unit being over twelve years old, had reached the end of its serviceable life.

Recently, we were excited to have Christophe Bodart – Chief Executive Officer of The Galston Club, visit our fire station where he presented the new TIC to the brigade and was given a detailed overview of Galston Pumper and the other appliances, as well as full tour of the station and insight into how the brigade operates.

A big thanks to The Galston Club for not only for their amazing support in supplying this equipment but for all the other support they give us including the monthly raffle nights (the second Wednesday of every month) and being such a great supporter of the Galston community in general.

Additionally, we would also like to thank the Bendigo Bank, Galston Medical Centre, Galston Healthsense Pharmacy, and the many other businesses, organisations, and families whose ongoing support enables the Galston Rural Fire Brigade, one of busiest brigades in the Hornsby district, to do what we do.

J&C Rando_trades