galston community news

Thanks for Your Vote

My fellow elected councillor, Warren Waddell and myself, would like to thank all of those people who helped with various tasks in the recent council election. I would also like to thank all of those who voted for our team in A Ward. Just as importantly, I want everyone to know that, as elected councillors, we represent all of the people and not just those who voted for us. Regardless of political persuasions, people should feel free to raise with us any matter that is causing them concern and they can be assured that we will listen carefully.

Local government was designed so that decisions could be made close to community level, by people who knew what members of the community were thinking, and it would be ideal if we can have the new Hornsby Council function in this manner.

I feel very humble to have been chosen to represent the people of Hornsby Shire and look forward to hearing your great ideas, to helping to fix your problems and to working with all of my fellow councillors for the benefit of this great area where all of us love to live.

Cllr. Nathan Tilbury, Newly re-elected A Ward Councillor, Hornsby Shire Council