galston community news

Thank you to our Local Schools

Contributed by Matt Kean lockdown 

My office has received a huge volume of correspondence as Sydney was placed into lockdown to stop the spread of COVID-19. In the most part there have been questions about the restrictions but one email has stood out.

It was from Mr Richard Marsh of Galston. He wanted to tell me about the amazing work of Galston Public School Kindergarten teacher Ms McRae. Kindy kids are only just learning to read and they don’t have the same skills on the computer older students have. I have been told Ms McRae has done an outstanding job of keeping her students engaged and learning from home, impressing parents in her class.

I know there are hundreds of teachers just like Ms McRae all over Hornsby who are coming up with new and interesting ways to keep our kids engaged online. I want to take this opportunity to thank our teachers, principals and support staff for their dedication, hard work and innovation as we navigate this difficult time. lockdown  lockdown 

I also want to put a call out to the Year 12 students who face their final exams later this year and are currently having to complete their trials from home. It is an extremely difficult time and I want to assure all students and teachers your safety and well-being is our first priority. NESA continues to plan for the HSC exams to proceed in October in a COVID-safe way and in line with health advice. I wish all the best to every student and a reminder this is just one test and it doesn’t define you or where you end up.

For the most up to date COVID information please visit www. My office remains closed to visitors, however, you can call 9476 3411 or email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.