galston community news


One Million Species will become extinct soon, according to a UN report just out. Local residents who have lived here for decades will confirm many have gone already. Luckily the news isn’t all bleak with reports of Koalas returning to the district but what about all the other creatures that are disappearing?

The main reason for loss of species is loss the habitat and being made worse by unsupervised pets that predate on the remaining wildlife.

On many properties we cut out the “scrub”, leaving selected trees and mow what’s left. We might think it looks neat, but what we are creating almost amounts to an ecological desert.

With a little information and forethought we can achieve a property that is neat, safe and friendlier to our environment and everything living in it.

Try to: Leave some areas of midstorey native shrubs, ground covers and grasses amongst your tress Leave branches and leaf litter to lie and make dead trees safe rather than removing them.

The idea behind this approach is to reflect on the 3 layers found in nature, Ground covers, Shrubs, and Trees. These layers work together, providing feed and shelter for the animals, protecting the soil and improving water retention.

The approach is less labor intensive that mowing and allows plants to regenerate naturally. To find out more, see: 2019%20A3.pdf

If you live on a smaller holding you may think you can’t effectively improve the habitat. However, if you work and plan with your neighbours you can make a huge impact. For hints on how to plant a small bird habitat on a suburban block: 2017%20A3.pdf

Our attempts to have our gardens look neat and manicured are killing native species, animal and plant. We might be neat, but nature is not. I’m sure we can find a happy compromise. For more information contact Nick on 9653 2056 or visit Still Creek Landcare at or on Facebook.