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Still Creek Landcare: The Bees Need Our Help

Not only bees but most pollinating insects are having a very hard time with La Nina washing away all the pollen and nectar. Bees are particularly hard hit with producers reporting hives dying and many producers are now having to feed their hives.

I was alerted to this situation by a local bee keeper after he put out a plea for help and consideration for our pollinators.

Honey production has dropped as has the effective pollination of own nations crops. Bees contribute Honey and other hive products generate around $100 million per year in Australia. The contribution of honey bees to agriculture through pollination services is estimated to be 140 times this figure and was valued at around $14.2 billion in Australia in 2017.

So how can we help you ask? Well it turns out to be quite easy and will save you work in the garden.

• Don’t mow often, let clover, dandelions etc flower, raise your mowers cutting height when you do have to mow

• Don’t pull out your spent veggies in the garden; let them go to flower to feed pollinators.

• Don’t use poison sprays. (It’s been proven that insecticides have seriously impacted insect numbers worldwide)

This spring and summer will be particularly hard on all pollinators, winter was wet and difficulties continue after three La Nina events a row. We all know about the decline of insects, and right now we can help them all get through the wet spring and summer of 2022.

Please spread the word and reap a sweet reward. Thanks to Warren Birkinshaw for alerting us to the plight of the bees and all pollinators.

For more information, contact Nick on 9653 2056, | [email protected] or Facebook @Still Creek Landcare.
Scott and Sons