galston community news


I enjoy growing and harvesting my veggie garden and fruit trees. I also enjoy looking after the native plants, as they look beautiful, feed the native animals and look after their own needs. Some of the ones I grow near the house can be very pleasant to look at and they are great for a snack while walking past, while others can produce heavily.

Backhousia citriadora (Lemon-scented Myrtle) is a tall shady shrub and its crushed leaves have a strong lemon fragrance making it a favourite for flavouring dishes. Our neighbour Anne-Marie kindly provided the picture of her recent creation: Lemon Myrtle Cheesecake with Macadamia nut crust.

Some of the other tasty plants I have are:

• Davidsonia pruriens (Davidson’s Plum), it looks great and the very tart fruit make great jams or sauces.

• Acmena smithii (Lilly Pilly), the fruit make a nice jelly.

• Macadamia integrifolia (Macadamia Nut Tree), everybody, even our pet dog rushes to get to those tasty nuts.

• Citrus australasica (Finger Lime), the pearly flesh looks great and explodes in your mouth and is great with fish.

• Banksia ericifolia (Heath Banksia), its nectar can be sucked as a small treat while gardening.

• Lomandra longifolia, have flowers that are said to taste like fresh green peas.

• Austromyrtus dulcis (Midgenberry), is the most delicious, sweet and tangy berry, bears in profusion and is yummy eaten fresh or in pies and preserves.

• Billarderia scandens (Apple berry), is a slender climber, with very tasty fruit when ripe and soft.

• Eremophila debilis (Winter Apple), this prostrate shrub produces edible fruit and makes a great groundcover.

• Ficus coronata and Ficus rubiginosa (Sandpaper Fig and Port Jackson Fig), their fruit have a nutty flavour and can be enjoyed when plump and soft, they rarely get to that stage as birds, bats and possum get to it first.

So when you next go to add to your garden, why not consider what more you can enjoy from your plants.

With regard to eating from any plants, there is a warning :

“never eat it unless you’re certain you can identify it and know it is safe!”

If you would like help or further information, contact Nick on 9653 2056, via email [email protected] or visit Still Creek Landcare at and on Facebook.