galston community news

Spring Fire Alert

Now is the time to prepare your property for the impending fire season. A huge build up over the last 2 ½ years could lead to catastrophic fires in the Hills district.

Aussie Pumps is printing record numbers of their Bushfire Survival Guide. The guide is available free of charge and provides vital information for any homeowner living in a fire danger area!

“First of all you have to decide whether you are going to stay and fight the fire or, leave at the first sign of danger”, said Aussie Pumps Brad Farrugia. “Some homes, due to their location, construction and design, are simply not safe to defend”, he said.

Those that are suitable can be set up with external sprinklers and fire pump systems that will protect them from ember attacks or even bushfire. The Aussie Bushfire Survival Guide is a handy document that deals with all aspects of bushfire protection, including pump selection.

“The right pump and adequate water supply are the two essentials”, said Brad. Aussie claim the Aussie Fire Chief is the best lightweight portable fire pump in the world.

It’s record of performance is proven with the company air lifting pumps to the USA in times of extreme fire danger. “We’ve had a busy winter with horrific fires in the northern hemisphere. Don’t think it can’t happen here”, said Brad.

Further information and free copies of the Bushfire Survival Guide are available from local dealers, Hills Irrigation or call Aussie Pumps on 8865 3500