galston community news

Show Jumping and Dressage highlights at Galston Equestrian Club

GEC held one of its Official Competitive & Participation Dressage Competitions on 28th April 2019. The day dawned very pleasant and sunny, and riders enjoyed the atmosphere, camaraderie and excellent BBQ skills of some of the husbands. There were both participation classes and official competition classes, something for all riders whether they were trying a participation preparatory class or an official elementary class. Riders appeared to be confident riding the new EA tests which came into effect this year. Our thanks as always to our committee and volunteers who worked very hard to make this event a success.

The regular midweek show jumping clinic with Sandy Lucas, held on 7 May, continues to attract more participants each month. We are very lucky to have Sandy running these sessions as she is a very popular coach with riders at all levels. This month classes ranged from poles on the ground to 1m+ for the more ambitious participants.

A Jump Fun Day was also held on Mothers Day (12 May) which comprised six exercises which were specially designed to help riders improve their horse’s balance, concentration, bending and stride length, useful skills not only for jumping but for all disciplines. Exercises could be done over poles on the ground or small jumps, with options to increase the height of jumps if desired. Feedback from participants was enthusiastic and positive – we’ll aim to repeat the event later in the year.

GEC is a friendly and welcoming club which caters for riders of all abilities and there really is something for every rider in our calendar. We have many exciting clinics, training days and competitions coming up so please visit our website at www. or our Facebook page to view our calendar and see what’s on next. Memberships are open throughout the year. We hope to see you soon.
