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Security Tips 2019 by Advanced Security & Alarm Products Pty Ltd

GLENN MARKS- 0414 642 515

COMPLACENCY: Unfortunately, in order to protect the security of our home, belongings and love ones we can no longer just trust that all will be ok. We all need to be mindful of ways in which we can deter becoming vulnerable to the despicable acts of burglary, home invasion, theft and vandalism.

Thieves often take advantage of the easy target!

Often the possessions can be replaced but the trauma of burglary or even worse a home invasion can take a huge toll on a family especially our children.

I have put together a few basic tips to assist in securing your home and family against theft.

LOCK EVERYTHING: Whenever leaving home even for a short trip, make sure all gates, doors, windows, sheds and vehicles are locked. Whilst at home latch entry doors. Have dead locks fitted to entry doors and keyed lock fitted to all windows. Did you know that windows can be locked partly open to allow fresh air in but prevent home invasion?

HOUSE NUMBER VISABILITY: Keeping your house number highly visible from the street can greatly assist emergency services find your home in an emergency response. Large house numbers, well-lit or reflective numbers and curb side numbers can assistance.

BARKING DOG: With over twenty-three years of experience in the security installation industry, I still believe the most effective security device is a barking dog. A savage guard dog is great! but any dog that barks is fine as the barking can send a thief running as it attracts the attention of yourself or neighbours.

LOCK YOUR ELECTRICITY BOX: In recent years would-be home invaders have taken to turning off the mains power in order to gain easy access to your family home. Often, they might do this several times initially disappearing into the night. After a few times the home owners guard is down and that when they strike! Taking the homeowner by surprise and forcing their way in. Padlocks are available at a cost from your supply authority so that the homeowner and the supply authority can have access.

KEEP VALUABLES OUT OF SITE: Whilst money and jewellery are highly sort after by thieves all items of vale should be kept out of sight. Keep highly valuable small items and identity items in a home safe secured well to a concrete slab. Keep garden and power tools on a locked garage or shed. Ladders should always be stored away or locked up as a ladder can provide easy access through a tile roof.