galston community news

Save the dates! Arcadia Pony Club events for your diary

With just over three months left to go until the end of the year, make sure you mark your diary as we still have a number of events planned at Arcadia Pony Club and within Zone 23.

Our annual Closed Showjumping event is on Sunday, 30th September. It’s the start of the school holidays so we’re sure to have a great turnout.

We are also running a rally day during the school holidays for those members who need some pony time. And as it’s the school holidays there is sure to be some fun games and events as well.

Our fabulous Zone 23 Jamboree will be held at Dural Pony Club on the weekend of 20-21st October. Entries close the 28th September so make sure you get them in!

We are also running our Closed Dressage and Sporting competition on Sunday 4th November, entries will open for this shortly.

On Sunday 18th October, Zone 23 Dressage Competition will be run at Avondale Pony Club at St Ives.

Then for December, we will run our last rally day on Sunday 2nd December which will be a fun day with lots of mounted and unmounted games including some water fun!

And last but not least, our Annual General Meeting and Award Presentation will be held on Sunday 9th December at The Galston Club.

Save the dates! We look forward to seeing you there!

Come ride with us – join us for fun, friendship and competitions!

Arcadia Pony Club has a “come and try” programme for riders aged between 4 – 25 years with their own horses or ponies where you can come along to a Rally Day and gain some riding instruction, meet new friends and have a lot of fun.

We meet the first and third Sunday every month at the Rural Sports Facility in Galston. To find out more about Arcadia Pony Club and to see our instructor profiles, please visit