galston community news

Save the dates! End of year events at Arcadia Pony Club

It’s been a busy year for Arcadia Pony Club and we still have a few exciting events for our members.

On Sunday 5th November we will run a gymkhana with our annual Closed Dressage, Show riding and Sporting, all in one day. Thank you to Saddleworld Dural for generously sponsoring this event!

Our Zone 23 Jamboree will be held on the weekend of 25th and 26th November at Dural Pony Club. Jamboree is always a fabulous event with two big days of events, the very popular water slide (not for the ponies!), and the option to camp overnight plus the Saturday night pizza cart!

And – do remember to save the date for our Annual General Meeting and awards presentation night to be held on Sunday, 10th December at The Galston Club from 5pm. A number of riders will be recognised at this event and most families stay for dinner to celebrate the end of another wonderful year at our Club!

Arcadia Pony Club has a “come and try” programme for riders aged between 4 – 25 years with their own horses or ponies where you can come along to a Rally Day and gain some riding instruction, meet new friends and have a lot of fun.

Arcadia Pony meets the first, third and fifth Sunday every month at the Rural Sports Facility in Galston. To find out more about Arcadia Pony Club and to see our instructor profiles, please visit

J&C Rando_trades