galston community news


The aims and objectives of the Salvation Army, drawn up many years ago, fit in beautifully with today’s rulings on “Political Correctness”. Recognised throughout the world for its untiring work, the Salvation Army helps people in need without discrimination against culture, creed, race or belief.

Australia might still be known as The Lucky Country, but, in every state, there are families living in poverty, homeless, hungry, or in need of spiritual and emotional support. To meet their financial needs, a network of volunteers work in the Family Stores on- selling the items which you, the public, so generously donate.

The focus in the Dural and Glenorie stores this month is on BOOKS. Every week a busy team of book- birds sort through hundreds of books which arrive in boxes, bags and bundles. Katy, Joy, Kim and Vicki sort all the fiction alphabetically, and categorise other volumes under the following headings: school texts, Australia, travel, both overseas and local, health, special diets, pregnancy, child development, puzzles, personal development, music, gardening, art, royalty, photography, general interest, cooking, old and collectable editions, sports, biographies, coffee table books, and pets. Our children’s books are divided into early childhood/ preschool, and young readers. And for a wealth of information on the Christian faith, do browse the separate bookshelf on the back wall in the Dural Store.

If we don‘t have a particular book or author, please let us know. We have a good success rate in locating what you are after!

We look forward to seeing you any day of the week ( except Sunday) for great quality items at realistic prices. And to help us in the run-up to Christmas, we will again be holding a half price day on Wednesday 31 October. Do come and say hello: you are assured of a warm welcome.