

It would be hard to discuss issues throughout the Shire without addressing the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on our community. Council is constantly following updates from state and federal government and decisions relating to our facilities are being communicated daily. For assistance or further information refer to the Council Facebook page or Council website. Alternatively, call our switchboard on 98476666.

It was great to visit the “Taste of Seafood” event at Wisemans Ferry a couple of weekends ago. Despite wet weather, the event was a huge success. I look forward to the detailed design work for the new boat ramps coming out, which will further improve this area of the town. The project is a collaboration with the Hills Shire Council and RMS. Besides being a fantastic and much needed facility, it will bring increased visitation to the area.

In addition, long-term improvements to Laughtondale Gully Road, Laughtondale are planned due to the impact of storm events.

Further staged works to look forward to around the villages will include the curb and drainage extension along Arcadia Road from the Glade; improvements to the bus terminus area in Glenorie; and the installation of the missing pedestrian link at Mid Dural Rd roundabout.

This week, I visited our local chapter of Rotary Club at their book sorting facility. A couple of years ago, I assisted Galston Rotary Club in finding permanent premises. Since then, they have attracted an enormous number of secondhand books to sell at their primary fund-raising event in June. Rotary direct the funds raised to many activities like the annual Colour Fun Run and to initiating projects like outdoor gym equipment for Galston Park. All book donations are welcome.

In light of COVID-19 please call 0414 366 665 for drop off points.

Air Perfection