galston community news

We need your feedback! The Hornsby Shire Council Local Strategic Planning Statement has gone out on exhibition.

This is a crucial document that will set the future course of planning and development in the Shire. Council is going out of its way to ensure that residents have as much input as possible. There will be a number of pop-up stalls to enable community consultation, including one at Galston Village on Saturday 24 August between 9am and 11am. Go to to find out more.

There will also be a consultation period for the rural land review, once the independent consultants have submitted their study. Stay tuned for more information on that.

Concept plans for Galston Village Main Street have been presented to councillors. The focus at this stage has clearly been on parking and traffic movements throughout the village. I would love to hear from village users how they feel about 90-degree parking, 45-degree nose-first parking and 45-degree reverse-in parking. I’d also like to hear from the community if you feel we need more public toilets and where you think they should be built.

The September budget review is another opportunity to secure funding for the Glenorie bus terminus upgrade and critical footpath work at the Dural end of Galston Road. I’ll be lobbying for the inclusion of these items.

Congratulations to Galston Rotary Club and Galston High School for hosting another successful Colour Fun Run. All proceeds raised will go to Youth Insearch, to help troubled teens, and Galston High School projects.

Finally, do you think we should have Australia Day celebrations in Fagan’s Park? Let me know! [email protected]