galston community news

Rural Round Up

By Councilor Warren Waddell

This month will include Graffiti Removal Day. On 28 March volunteers will come together to help remove unwanted graffiti from sites throughout our community. Graffiti has a negative impact on our public amenities so Council policy is to promptly remove all graffiti reported on Council assets. However, if you wish to nominate a site or would like to volunteer to assist on Graffiti Removal Day you can register at

If you miss this event it is always possible to call the Council Graffiti Hotline on 1800 199 282. For the reporting of graffiti on assets that don’t belong to Council, go to the “Public Hazards and Nuisance” section of the Council website for additional contact numbers.

While we’re at it, here are some other Council services you might find useful:

• If your bin is damaged or missing a lid we will replace it? Just call 9847 4856.

• Ratepayers have access to an annual parking pass for Fagan’s Park? For $45 per year Council will issue a parking pass for frequent users. Check the Council website under “Fagan’s Park” for details.

• We have a business-to-business platform to help keep all of our local businesses connected? Register your business for free at

And as always I am happy to assist with any issues that may come up. Contact me on 0499 004 861 or email [email protected].

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