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Role models at Arcadia Pony Club – Our Associates

Pony club is all about providing young riders with the opportunity to learn the skills of riding and general horsemanship and compete at state, national and international events. Many people aren’t aware that pony club is open to young adults up to the age of 25. Our ‘associate’ members are those aged from 17 to 25 and we have a number of them at our club.

The associates play a very important role in our club. Given their age and experience; they are the members that all the younger riders look up to and aspire to be like. They also encourage our younger members and really establish our club culture of “fun and friendship”. Let’s meet our associates and ask them about their experiences and what they like best about Arcadia Pony Club.

Tiarna is aged 17 and has been riding since she was just two years old! She has been a member of Arcadia Pony Club for nearly 11 years.

“My horse’s name is Maverick, he is a dark bay. He stands at 14.3 hands and he lives up to his name. Mav may only be a galloway but his attitude and performance make us for his size.”

“I enjoy lessons from our wonderful instructors and I also like the social interaction given as my friends and I are able to ride together on every second Sunday.”

Tiarna says that her best memories of pony club are from the annual pony club camp. “Going away on camp with all members and horses is so much fun and then being able to jump cross countries jumps, go on trail rides and the best thing of all time swimming in the dam. Everyone trying to hang on while our horses swim was so funny to watch and the feeling of Maverick launching himself out of the water, swimming was both shocking and thrilling.”

And as for advice for younger members of the club? Tiarna says to learn as much as possible from the instructors and your results as both will help you improve your riding ability. Tiarna is also working towards being a pony club instructor herself whilst completing Year 12.

Sarah is 17 years old and has been riding for nearly 6 years and been a member of Arcadia Pony Club for that entire time. She has a lovely bay quarter horse that she says is always willing to please, his name is Smoking Bow.

Sarah loves Arcadia Pony Club as she gets to ride regularly with her friends and also enjoys learning new things about horses and riding from our instructors. She is also enjoys representing Arcadia at competitions.

Her most memorable moments at pony club are from pony club rally days and representing Arcadia Pony Club at competitions with my friends and with her horse Bro.

Sarah’s piece of advice for younger members is to take the pony club opportunities and join in at everything from flat work to jumping to sporting and games and constantly learn new things and listen to the instructors that give good helpful advice. In future years she would also love to be a pony club instructor so I can help other riders learn more while having fun like I do at pony club.

Molly is 17 years of age and has been riding for 10 years, a member of Arcadia Pony Club for 7 years. Her horse’s name is Kahn, he is a thoroughbred and 16.3hh. Molly has owned him for almost a year. She said he has a very caring personality, and is always looking after her, especially on cross country courses.

Molly enjoys pony club for the friends and experiences it has allowed her to have, “I’ve met some of my closest friends through pony club. Pony club has also allowed me to take my riding further, travelling hours to compete in state competitions.”

Her most memorable experience is competing at the Pony Club State Polocrosse championships when she was about 12. “My friends and I had never played before and it was exciting to try something different.”

Molly’s advice for younger members of the Club is to go to as many pony club competitions as you can as they give you so much experience for when you start to compete in open competitions. She would also consider becoming an instructor down the track.

Lucy has just turned 17 so is our newest associate. She has been riding for 10 years and been a member of Arcadia Pony Club for 8. Her horse is Max (External Influence) he is a 17.2 hand bay thoroughbred who Lucy says has a “beautiful and calm personality”. Lucy enjoy riding with her friends at pony club with her fondest memories being competing at State dressage and representing Arcadia and Zone 23 – this involved camping with friends throughout the competition.

For younger members of the club, Lucy says it’s important to learn as much as you can from your instructors.

Do you love horses, enjoy teaching children and think you may have an interest in becoming a pony club instructor? We would love to hear from you. We provide a safe and structured learning program in line with Pony Club NSW guidelines. Arcadia Pony meets the first, third and fifth Sunday every month at the Rural Sports Facility in Galston. We’d love to see you there!

To find out more about Arcadia Pony Club please visit