galston community news

River Road Reopens

By Dr Peter Gangemi - Mayor of The Hills Shire Council
During the recent devastating floods, a section of River Road near Lower Portland sustained significant damage when it was undermined by floodwaters.

Assessments and temporary repairs were carried out as soon as possible. These repairs have been carefully monitored and a one-lane opening of River Road to traffic is now possible, with a three-tonne load limit. Advanced signage warning of the three tonne limit is in place prior to the pictured section of road.

Barriers have been moved to allow two-way traffic to use the road in the same manner as a single-lane bridge, with drivers taking turns to wait behind ‘give way’ signs until the road ahead is clear. This arrangement will remain in place until detailed designs for the restoration of the two-lane road and its reconstruction can be completed.

I thank residents for their patience when using this temporary solution until we are able to permanently restore River Road.

River Road