galston community news


The Hills District Remembrance Day Commemoration Services will be held on Sunday 11th November, at 11AM & 5PM at the Galston Cenotaph, located next to the History Cottage on Galston Road.

It would be appreciated if those attending the 11AM service could be seated by 10.30AM. The service this year has a greater significance than normal, as we will commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice to bring World War 1 hostilities to a close. John Graham, a local bagpiper, will play a lament at an appropriate point in the proceedings at the 11AM service, and a tune called “The Battle’s O’er” at 5.00PM at the Cenotaph. Pipers the world over will acknowledge the 100th Anniversary by playing “The Battle’s O’er” as close to the time of the signing of the Armistice as possible, which was 5.00AM local European time.

It would be great to see a good attendance at both these services to acknowledge the tremendous debt we owe to those who have served in the Armed Forces of our country, many of whom made the supreme sacrifice.

CONTACT PERSON: Bill Rosier, Hills District RSL Chapter Coordinator, 0432 847 137