Galston Village Pharmacy

Rafferty’s (Whiddon) Rules At The Country Club Bowls

After a year of interrupted bowls, a great fun game of bowls and Christmas lunch was a grand finale.

While the skill for bowling was still needed the reverse scoring had everyone’s brain working overtime as it wasn’t the closest bowl which counted but the furthest. It was taken out of the game!

So, it was the last bowl on the rink, that won. The winner on Rink 4, Paddy Gaul, still had all his three bowls. The other winners were Anne Wilson, one of Dural’s newer bowlers and Sue Vindin and Diane Trovato.

As well as playing, the year’s trophies were presented. The Major Singles winners, Stuart Yeend and Judith Harris, Pairs Marelle Saunders and Leone Leslie and Terry Oliver and Ray Vidin. The Men’s Drawn Pairs was won by Phil Bonvino and Stuart Yeend. Congratulations to the winners and those who played in the competitions and made them play so well.

Everyone enjoyed the exciting raffle prizes, especially those who won them! The new year sees a number of new members ready to play on Tuesday morning or Wednesday or Saturday afternoons.

Anyone wishing to learn should phone 0421 315 074 or 0411 375 580.
