galston community news


Our very difficult year is suddenly passing quite quickly, soon we shall see Christmas decorations everywhere.

Not having ventured to the shopping malls just yet I don’t know how bright and cheery “the outside world really is”… ??

With the end-of-year-festivities in mind my partner-in-crime … Big Ted is now asking … “has anybody told Santa Claus about wearing a mask” and why ??? Good question Big Ted !!!!

As you can see I’m under instruction as I start to make “a lucky grandson a quilt for Christmas”.

So … we’ve made a nod-to-Christmas, the Arcadian Quilting group are also plotting and planning as we move towards the end of the year.

Our hopes to be back at our meeting rooms in Galston are not going to be realised this year due to our numbers and the space available …. SO we continue to meet at Heritage Park in Castle Hill where the under cover area is just perfect for our group, we can enjoy the outdoors, the sunshine and fresh air.

This delightful soft toy and these mini-mats which are “touch and feel textures” are made perfect for tiny tots and babies.

Joy and love can also be felt when these treasures are held.

This sweet idea comes from one of our generous members who has made many such delights in between creating her Charity Quilts.

Another winner with charm is this “warmwrap- around” autumn toned quilt, falling leaves and all …. !!! What lovely memories this will bring to someone as they enjoy the comfort of a gift made by someone who cares.

SO … onwards and upwards we go as the difficult days are slipping away. While continuing to stay safe and considerate to others we can start planning for the end of this year …. a year like no other and companionship valued as never before.

Come and join us in Heritage Park, new members are very welcome. It might just be the time to get back to that hobby, give yourself some time-out to enjoy the fun of fabric and colours.

We meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month in the park, bring your morning tea, bring your camp chair and share our place in the sun.

For further information please contact Carole on 9894 7749.

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