galston community news

CAFs Aerial Pumper Demonstration by FRNSW

Glenorie RFB recently had the opportunity to attend a demonstration hosted by Huntingwood Station from Fire and Rescue NSW who took the time to showcase their new CAFs Aerial Pumper.

Fire And Rescue NSW

The event, held in collaboration with various bridges across The Hills and Hornsby districts, provided a chance for our members to get acquainted with this impressive piece of firefighting equipment.

Our members were able to witness its capabilities firsthand, gaining valuable insights into its operation and potential applications in various emergency scenarios.


In addition to its advanced Compressed Air Foam System (CAFs), the CAFs Aerial Pumper has a 20-meter ladder which further enhances its versatility in responding to a wide range of firefighting scenarios.

We extend our gratitude to FRNSW Huntingwood for taking their time to showcase their new appliance, and we look forward to future opportunities for collaboration and continued learning between agencies.

Are you interested in volunteering with the NSW RFS?
We are always looking for new members to join Glenorie Brigade and we have a wide variety of roles available to suit everyone, ranging from firefighting, catering, and administration roles.

Glenorie Rural Fire BrigadeIf you are interested in joining our brigade, contact us via our Facebook page or simply stop in for a chat when we are open. The station is open Monday nights from 7:30pm, and Saturday afternoons from 2pm. You can also scan here to fill in an EoI.

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