galston community news


The GPA continues to operate as usual through this period. Glenorie progress association meeting continue to be conducted via Zoom, very successfully. That means it is even easier for you to join us at our next meeting from the comfort of your home.

The Hills Shire Council continues to push for an increase in allowance for Secondary Dwellings

We reported last year that The Hills Shire Council was pushing the state government to increase the allowed size of secondary dwellings on rural land. This increase would be great news for so many families in the area as they would be able to accommodate their own family adequately, or derive a small income from their property. Robyn Preston, in particular, has been pushing for this improvement, and I enclose her update to the GPA on this matter: “As Councillor – Secondary Dwellings in Rural Zones – I received a phone call from the Premier’s office this evening advising that The Hills Shire Council’s Gateway Determination Review Request in relation to Secondary Dwellings on Rural Lands has been upheld. The details will come to Council shortly but in essence, this will change the rules for secondary dwellings on rural lands. The new rules mean that those with acreage in rural zones can build a second dwelling on their land to a maximum of 110 square metres of living space plus another 20 square metres of garage; a total maximum of 130 square metres for a secondary dwelling. Subdivision is NOT permissible and was never a desired feature of this change.” Please note, this does require legislative change and is not effective immediately.

Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence
The Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence in the Wal Buckingham Gardens next to the Memorial is progressing. The GPA Fence Committee have met with the Hornsby Shire Council to work on the plan, the meeting facilitated by Councillor Warren Waddell. Elizabeth Whiteman (leading the committee) reports that the meetings have been extremely positive working closely with Zoe Cook and David De-Fina, Landscape Coordinator at Hornsby Shire Council, to develop a cohesive plan to link the cenotaph to the Glenorie Memorial Hall via the new heritage fence and one flowing design. The fact that the project has experts doing the design and will address the entire space is very encouraging. As a community, being able to better utilise the space would be fantastic. More parking spaces for the hall so it can be better utilised, addressing the void behind the hall, respecting the sacred area for ANZAC, beautifying the landscape and, of course, paying tribute to Ray and the heritage of our area through the fence, will all be of benefit to our community.

Again, Robyn Preston, in her capacity as our State MP, has gone above and beyond and secured a further $10,000 to contribute to the project, directly from the Premier in the form of a discretionary grant. This is on top of the $20,000 provided in the Community Building Partnership Grant towards the fence.

Whites Road, Post Office Road Walking Loop
The walking loop from the Glenorie Village of Old Northern Road, Whites Road and Post Office Road has always been a popular walk for residents and visitors alike. It is a comfortable 2.5 ~ 3 km loop accessible from the village with minimal road crossings. It is possible to complete the loop without crossing a road which makes it a safer option than many roads in our area. The Old Northern Road portion of the walk is entirely paved. During COVID19 lock down the numbers of walkers has easily doubled. It is envisaged that the number of people taking advantage of the loop would increase even more if the dangers of the current walk were addressed. Currently it is not possible to complete the walk without being forced onto the road, particularly along Whites and Post Office Roads which happen to be at summits in the road, further adding to the danger. The GPA intends to work with The Hills Shire Council to incrementally address the dangerous spots, as well as the overall usability of the walk. We have already has a very positive engagement with the Council’s General Manager, Michael Edgar and the North Ward Councillors.

Our proposal does not require a footpath, but rather use of recycled road base or recycled concrete aggregate to stabilise boggy areas, a light dressing of the path and, in the areas where pedestrians are forced onto the road, some levelling of the nature strip. These improvements will bring a lot of benefit to the existing walkers, as well as broaden the age range that would be able to safely traverse the path.

Expansion of Glenorie Village possible
At the Glenorie progress association meeting Councillor Brooke Collins OAM provided an excerpt from the Local Strategic Planning Statement 2019 for The Hills that: “As the population grows and changes, we will protect the role and function of rural villages and provide opportunities for limited expansion to meet the needs of the rural community. Any investigations will consider existing constraints and balanced growth, in line with criteria detailed in the Rural Strategy 2019.” (p56 LSPS)

Glenorie Village is identified in the Rural Strategy as a preliminary investigation area, which would benefit from a modest amount of residential and commercial growth. This is inline with the feedback from the community in the sessions that were held with the Hills SC Planners at the Glenorie RSL.

The Rural Strategy also mentions that a local character statement will be developed for the RU6 Transition Zone, in consultation with the community. This consultation will also inform the place-based planning that will be carried out for the growth of Glenorie and other rural villages. The timeline identified for this work is June 2023.

The GPA would remind planners and all concerned that one of the key mandates for endorsement of expansion of the village from the community was: through development, the ability to open up connected green spaces that allow the village population to traverse in a safe and natural environment, not simply more urbanisation.

We are thankful to the planners for incorporating the community feedback.

New members continue to sign up to the GPA. We are growing. You can have your input on these matters by becoming a member and attending the Glenorie progress association meeting.

Next Glenorie progress association meeting Thursday 9th July, 7pm online

You can find out more or join or renew at

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