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By Nev The Newshound

The Woolpaca Herd

Nev is back! After being seconded for a top secret assignment with the Doggy Tailograph, Nev was MIA for the past two months, however he is back reporting for the GCN and this month he was sent to interview some rather interesting Pets at Work – the Alpaca herd at Woolpaca Farm in Cattai Ridge Road, Glenorie. Nev sat down with spokespaca, Hope…

Nev: Hi Hope! I believe you came into the world in a very interesting way. Can you tell our readers a bit more about this?

Hope: Last October my mum, Tempe, went into labour and after a few hours of labouring nothing was happening so the vet was called and it was apparent that a caesarean was necessary, so off to North Richmond Vet Clinic she went. After a very traumatic few hours I was born!

I struggled for the first few hours then went home. I had a lot of problems with feeding and infections. I was tube fed for 7 days, and day by day I got stronger. These days I can be seen playing in the paddock with my friend Lacey. I’m still only very tiny but HOPEfully I will grow!

Nev: What exactly is the difference between an Alpaca and a Llama?

Hope: Alpacas and Llamas are both part of the camelid family. Alpacas are smaller in weight and height compared to a Llama.

Tempe and baby Hope

Both are herd animals and need a friend or two. Alpacas are gentle and shy while Llamas are very confident and social.

Nev: What do you guys do at Woolpaca Farm, and how many of you are there?

Hope: We are raised to be rehomed as either family pets, herd guards or for Show purposes. At the moment there are about 50 of us. In spring and autumn there are usually another 15 or so added to the herd when the mums give birth to their crias (like me).

Nev: Do you like listening to Pan Pipe music? If so, I have some old LP’s I can give you.

Hope: No thanks. We are more into Country and Western.

If you would like your Pet @ Work interviewed by Nev, please email: [email protected] with NEV in the subject line.


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