galston community news

Our New Junior School Initiative

The Hills Grammar School was founded by people who personified entrepreneurialism. They had the vision, the imagination, and the skills to courageously create a new school. This is what makes Hills unique. Thus, it is imperative that we honour their enterprise thinking. We are delighted to announce a new initiative to enhance our capacity to challenge our high potential learners in Years 5 and 6, to be launched in 2023.

The “Birrong Program” targets students who have demonstrated high potential and is designed to ensure that our Hills’ Originals are stretched and challenged to be renaissance entrepreneurs. This initiative complements our rigorous, meaningful, and differentiated enrichment program that is provided for all students. Introducing young people to entrepreneurship helps them to be more creative, collaborative, and confident, and to think and act ethically, morally, and responsibly.

This new program is founded on tapping into individual student strengths and interests, enabling each student to have a voice in their learning, and stretching and challenging their skills, knowledge and understanding.

The entrepreneurship programs at Hills add to the depth of learning across the school and complement innovative programs such as the Year 5 Mars Colony (Citizenship), Year 6 Expo (Critical Thinking), Year 7 STEM program (Collaboration) and the Year 8 Game Changers (Creativity). These programs work in conjunction with the school’s rigorous co-curricular, wellbeing and academic curriculum in nurturing and future-proofing the Hills “Originals” for life beyond the school gates.

A range of data will be used to select students for the program, including the external Academic Assessment Services tests. Sarah Black | Head of Junior School