galston community news

Off on a Bear Hunt with Glenorie Pre-School

“We’re going on a bear hunt, We’re going to catch a big one, What a beautiful day, We’re not scared”

The children of Glenorie Pre-School have shown a strong interest in the popular children’s book “We’re going on a bear hunt” retold by Michael Rosen They have demonstrated their various learning styles by the way in which their interest shines through. A group of children drew their own maps then went on a hunt through the playground and had one of their peers hide in a self created cave, as a bear. Another group of children explored a small world set up of the bear hunt, this was a more sensory experience that got the children talking about what happened in the book. The learning was extended with an excursion to the local park. The children learnt that we use maps to find a location and we looked for different signs along the way. What an exciting month of learning!

If you have a 3- 5 year old child who would like to join the fun here at Glenorie Pre-School please give our Director Belinda a call on 9652 2259