galston community news

Northholm’s Agriculture Show Teams Expand!

This year, Northholm will be heading to the Castle Hill Show and Royal Easter Show with their new Dorper Show Team. Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Alan Waldon of Top Deck Dorpers, Northholm is the proud owner of two rams and two ewes. The Dorper is a South African breed of domestic sheep developed by crossing Dorset Horn and the Blackhead Persian sheep and this year they are the ‘feature breed’ at the Royal.

Mr. Waldon is not new to the School; having two grown up children who are ex-students of Northholm. It was while they were at Northholm that Mr. Waldon helped set up the first Cattle Club with Ms. Caiger, Head of Science, nearly ten years ago. The Cattle Club and Cattle Show Team are still extremely popular co-curricular activities within the School and every year a group of Senior School students (Year Nine to Year Twelve) attend the Royal with the Cattle Team. This year our Middle Years students (Year Seven and Year Eight) will also be able to attend with the Dorper Show Team. The sheep are proving to be the perfect size animal for the younger students to gain skills in preparing animals for competition. It also gives them the experience and confidence they need to be able to manage the larger cattle later on. Learning to groom, handle, parade and present livestock for

The sheep are proving to be the perfect size animal for the younger students to gain skills in preparing animals for competition. It also gives them the experience and confidence they need to be able to manage the larger cattle later on. Learning to groom, handle, parade and present livestock for competition is also being taught in Junior School with Junior School Agriculture Show Team. This group comprises students in Year Three to Year Six and will train them in preparation of joining the Dorper Show Team in Senior School.