galston community news

Northholm Grammar students’ committed to the community

In addition to meeting their academic demands and expectations during remote learning in Term 3, Northholm’s staff and community have continued to challenge students to be reflective and take pride in developing their character and citizenship.

The School congratulates students who, despite lockdown restrictions, actively sought out ways to contribute to the community. In what is an incredibly aspiring achievement, Year 8 student Aryan Kumar has been running to fundraise for vision-impaired students in Chennai, India. The challenge started as part of cricket training for Aryan, who set himself the goal of raising $1,000 and began with running two kilometres a day.

Regularly increasing the distance, Aryan most recently achieved an amazing 26.18 kilometres. He also succeeded in beating his fundraising target and has raised over $5,164 to date, which will go towards feeding over 1000 vision-impaired students. Year 11 students, Amber Garth and Laura Jones, graduated from the Max Potential Leadership program in September.

As one of Australia’s longest-running youth development programs, the innovative program connects high school students with the local community and business leaders to develop students’ leadership capabilities. Over five months they engage in one-on-one coaching, experiential workshops and deliver a community service project to make a tangible difference in their community.

Northholm also congratulates the Year 11 students who participated in the Hills Winter Sleepout this year, raising money to assist people who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless, in the Hills region. With restrictions again in place this year, participants can sleep out rough in their yard, in a car or on the couch. In addition, the School supported this cause by having a Mufti Day to add to the funds raised.

As a community, the School celebrates the achievements and enthusiasm of their students’ engagement both in the remote learning experience and in their dedication to serving others.

Address: 79 Cobah Rd, Arcadia NSW 2159, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9656 2000 Northholm 