galston community news


Mitchell Old (Year 12) holds the position of Co-School Captain at Northholm Grammar School. On Friday 20th September, Mitchell was presented with the John Lincoln Youth Community Service Award by the Governor of NSW, Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC, at NSW Government House. The John Lincoln Youth Community Service Award was instituted to recognise Senior NSW secondary school students who have made outstanding contributions that benefit their communities. These awards define and identify role models at all levels within our communities and inspire us all to become more fully engaged citizens. It is this service beyond school boundaries that was recognised by the late Dr John Lincoln AM, Northholm’s Founding Chair of Council, who initiated the Youth Community Service Award in 1992.

Mitchell has made an outstanding contribution to the local community with the sole focus to build community spirit, raise money and awareness for those in need.

As part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, Mitchell volunteers at the local Dural Salvation Army Store. Mitchell joined the local community band – the Castle Hill Youth Wind Orchestra. He marches annually in the Sydney ANZAC Day March and participates at the Castle Hill RSL ANZAC Day Memorial Service. Mitchell also joined the Big Band, which performs at local community events such as the Hills District Orange Blossom Festival. He is a regular volunteer at Park Run, a community event run by locals for locals in Galston.

Most significant are the major fund raising events Mitchell has coordinated. In 2018, Mitchell, along with another Northholm Leadership student, chose to raise money for Redkite. They have co-ordinated a number of activities over the past two years including sales of roses, two Colour Runs and the coordination of a Trivia Night. To date, Mitchell and his team have raised over $14, 000 for this organisation. Most recently Mitchell and his Co-Captain organised a very successful Jazz Café event. The aim of the event was to reach out into the community through a night of Jazz entertainment.

In other community events over the past two years, Mitchell has participated as a member of the School’s team in the Hills Shire Relay For Life; and in taking Northholm’s musical groups into the local community at Mark Donaldson VC House at Rowland Village, a community for seniors. Mitchell has been instrumental in this series of events, including performances to those in high care as well as to those in residential aged care.

All this has been achieved while Mitchell has fulfilled his daily responsibilities as a School Captain, a committed and high achieving academic student and an outstanding musician who has multiple weekly rehearsals and personal commitments. The School cannot speak more highly of the contribution that Mitchell has made, nor of the calibre of leadership he demonstrates as a role model to others.