galston community news

Northholm Grammar Outstanding Music

Success at the Australian School Band and Orchestra Festival at Sydney Conservatorium

NORTHHOLM GRAMMAR SCHOOL’S Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Concert Band performed exceptionally well at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music for the Australian School Band and Orchestra Festival on Sunday 28 July. Two of the featured pieces proudly performed by the bands were ‘Side Show Alley’ and ‘A Story To Tell’, both original compositions by their conductor, Mr Tim Ferrier.

In an event comprising bands from 20 different schools, Symphonic Wind Ensemble received a Silver Award. This was an exceptional result considering the outstanding musical talent on display and reflected the professionalism of the Northholm musical program.

Concert Band received a Gold Award, which was an outstanding result. In addition, the band received the Brolga Music Encouragement Award, which entitles them to choose a selection of arrangements from the Brolga Music library. The internationally renowned adjudicator Mr Monte Mumford, offered to give the band a special workshop which Northholm proudly accepted. Mr Mumford attended the band’s next rehearsal and provided the young musicians with tips and strategies on a range of topics to enhance their understanding of performance techniques and ensemble blend.

Northholm Grammar’s extensive music program is focused on fostering a love and appreciation for music from the early Kindergarten years through to Year 12. For the young Kindergarten to Year 2 students, the program provides them with the opportunity to experience singing, recorder, percussion and violin. Year 3 to 6 students progress to flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba, drums and percussion making for a seamless transition to the Senior School music program.

Northholm offers a unique cocurricular music program whereby students from across different year groups come together to be part of the same band. In the case of Concert Band, this includes primary and secondary-aged students grouped together. This structure allows young musicians to progress through the band program based purely on musical aptitude rather than age or year group. Northholm Grammar is proud of its students for the commitment, passion and outstanding achievements in music.