galston community news

News from St Benedict’s February 2017

St Benedict’s Christmas Celebrations
We had many wonderful celebrations over the Christmas period and anyone who thinks that the true meaning of Christmas has been swamped by modern life should check out St Benedict’s. Particularly our ‘Spirit of Giving’ Christmas Dinner on Christmas night, a get together to which those on their own are specially invited, was a great success with all present enjoying lots of yummy food and joining in with the carol singing.

Our newly re-convened local St Vincent De Paul Society Conference collected and distributed Christmas hampers to local families in need, once again sharing and demonstrating the true meaning of Christmas.

Bishop Peter’s visit
On the weekend of 10 th and 11 th December we welcomed Bishop Peter Comensoli to our parish. On the Saturday afternoon the bishop was taken on a driving tour of the district and, as a result, he commented on how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful area. He made a special request to visit Rowland Village, where he joined in a happy afternoon tea hosted by some of the parishioners who live at the village.

Bishop Peter then officiated at the Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses, where he met with as many parishioners as possible. After the Sunday morning Mass, the bishop chaired a more formal gathering where he canvassed parishioners’ views on the future of the parish.

At the 9am Sunday Mass, the bishop presented five of our catechists, the people who take the word of God into our local schools, with certificates recognising their years of service in the classroom. Picture shows Margaret Florian, Gebran Azzi, Nancy Kazzi, Lisa Welsman and Karen Brown with their certificates, accompanied by Bishop Peter and Parish Priest Father Bernard.

At the same Sunday morning Mass we also acknowledged the Year 6 children from the parish who are graduating from primary school and wished them all the best for their entry into high school.

In a subsequent thank you letter to Parish Priest Father Bernard, Bishop Peter wrote “It was a joy for me to be amongst the faithful and witness a spirit-filled neighbourhood of grace.”

Weekend Mass Times
St. Benedict's Catholic Church Arcadia; Mass at the Monastery, 121 Arcadia Rd, Arcadia, at 7 am every morning. Mass at the Parish Centre, Corner Fagans Rd & Arcadia Rd.  7 pm Saturday, 9 am Sunday.