galston community news
The Village Glenorie

News from St Benedict’s Church

First Communion – A wonderful parish occasion

What a happy family day it was on Sunday 3 June when the St Benedict’s parish joined together to celebrate the First Communion of 30 young people. This event was the culmination of many months of learning and preparation. Special thanks were expressed to the children’s parents, relatives and friends and to the catechists and team who helped in the lead up to this special day. After the celebratory Mass everyone joined in cutting a cake and enjoyed a yummy morning tea.

The Sciberras family from Maroota had a special double celebration on the day with not only their elder daughter Aleisha making her First Communion but younger daughter, three-month-old Evie May, being baptised. The picture shows dad Dave Sciberras holding Evie May, Aleisha, mother Liz and, in front, proud brother Ethan.

New Sacramental program

As soon as First Communion was over we started on a new sacramental program for the coming year. This began with a Parent Information Night on 11 June and will be followed by Confirmation on Saturday 4 August.

St Vinnies to Brewarrina

The parish has again gathered goods and donations to send to those in need in the Brewarrina district. Our local St Vinnies group has coordinated this collection and members have travelled the almost 800 km to deliver the goods. The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) was founded by French philanthropist Frederic Ozanam in 1833 to help poverty-stricken inhabitants of his native Paris. SVP has now spread over much of the world and we are proud that its ethos is being followed so well in our local parish.

Weekend Mass Times

St. Benedict’s Catholic Church Arcadia; Mass at the Monastery, 121 Arcadia Rd, Arcadia, at 7 am every morning. Mass at the Parish Centre, Corner Fagans Rd & Arcadia Rd 7 pm Saturday, 9 am Sunday.

Glenn Truelove