galston community news

News from Glenorie Progress Association

The Association wants you all to be privy to all the developments as they happen and, to that end, we have been active in apprising all ‘stakeholders’ of the application for a full liquor licence by the Glenorie Bakery. Submissions closed on 26 August.

A great initiative also of the Hornsby Council Waste Division has been to remove the clothing bins opposite the Glenorie Village Shops and make the area free from the possibility of further illegal dumping. With Michael Hutchence, Deputy Mayor of Hornsby Council, the GPA has circulated drawings for community consultation on the beautification of the Glenorie bus bay area. You may have seen those plans on the local noticeboards (see also page 27) and we are happy to announce that, after input from many locals, Council will proceed with the beautification project. Trees may be trimmed or removed, the planting will not inhibit sight lines from Cairnes Road, and the logs will be termite treated. As you read this it may already have happened!

Last month, we told you about exciting happenings at the Glenorie Hall with regard to the Environment Centre. We plan to run a Fire Awareness Day in early October for all residents of the Glenorie, Hillside, Maroota, South Maroota and Arcadia RFS areas. Our major focus will be on educating new residents on preparing for bushfires, including those residents in cluster developments, however, all are welcome. Be aware that you can’t expect a fire truck on your doorstep if there is a bush fire – there’s a lot of area to cover for five brigades. You can see that from displays and DVDs of the 2002 fires which impacted our area. We will help to develop your own household Bush Fire Survival Plan to keep your family safe.

Our Planning Sub-Committee is proactive in developing a plan with the two Councils and we need input from you all to be part of the progress of the area. We welcome all ideas for the development of Glenorie in a way we see as a model village. So, continue to email or mail us with your planning ideas and suggestions. The GPA will hold an information evening to outline our draft vision for Glenorie on at 7:45pm Tuesday, 12 September 2017. Come along with all your friends and neighbours.

You can still pick up and fill in our GPA survey to place in the red box at the Glenorie RSL. Or go to and have your say or contact us at [email protected]. Our snail mail address is P O Box 240 Glenorie NSW 2157