galston community news

News from St Benedict’s Church

In 2016 St Benedict’s parish helped raise funds to support two of our young parishioners, Luke Neely and Karen Brown, on their pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Krakow Poland.

While in Krakow Luke met Chrissy from Gladesville and in August this year, to our delight, Luke and Chrissy were married. The wedding was celebrated in the picturesque historic village of Little Hartley in the Blue Mountains. Two very special guests were Luke’s grandparents, Freda and Bernard Smith, from Yorkshire in the UK. Freda and Bernard have visited before to catch up with Luke and his family including their daughter Theresa, Luke’s mum, so we look on them as honorary parishioners. We enjoyed having them join us for a number of Sunday masses while they were here.

Congratulations to Luke and Chrissy and best wishes from all at St Benedict’s. The picture shows the happy couple at their wedding in Little Hartley.

Catholic Mission Appeal

Once again we were visited by one-time local girl Kathryn (Endicott) Allen and her husband Rob who told us about some of the good works of Catholic Mission around the world. Kathryn was very pleased to report that the funds we raised last year for the St Buini Health Centre in Uganda had enabled the centre to purchase an ambulance vehicle and an ultrasound machine. This year Kathryn and Rob shared information about a program to help set up and run schools in remote areas of Myanmar. The aim is to promote education and help heal this nation that has suffered so much in recent years.


Don’t forget our St Benedict’s playgroup meets every Monday morning in school terms. Please contact Sandra 0410587735 if you would like to join us.

Weekend Mass Times

St. Benedict’s Catholic Church Arcadia; Mass at the Monastery, 121 Arcadia Rd, Arcadia, at 7 am every morning. Mass at the Parish Centre, Corner Fagans Rd & Arcadia Rd 7 pm Saturday, 9 am Sunday.