galston community news

News from St Benedict’s Church

St Vinnies to Brewarrina

As mentioned last month our local St Vincent De Paul group organised a collection of goods and donations to go to the people of Brewarrina. Like many country towns Brewarrina is suffering badly from the drought and the Barwon River is a mere trickle. A drought as bad as this affects everyone and you can imagine how depressing it is for the people of this small town. So it was a very happy occasion when our three vehicles full of goodies arrived just as winter was starting to bite. Karen De Souza from St Benedict’s, who pulled her horsefloat for the 1500 km round trip, said it was an incredibly rewarding experience. “Seeing all those smiling faces made the effort totally worthwhile,” said Karen. “And I couldn’t believe how much we could fit into one horse float.” Picture shows Karen’s float packed from floor to roof with donations.

We lose our bishop

Many might have heard on the news that our bishop, the Most Rev Peter Comensoli of the Broken Bay Diocese to which our parish belongs, has been appointed Archbishop of Melbourne. We are all very sad to lose him but know that he will do an outstanding job in this demanding role.

This means that we won’t have the bishop presiding over our Confirmation ceremony on Saturday 4 August but we are thrilled that our parish priest, Fr Bernard, has agreed to take the bishop’s place on this important occasion.

A farewell mass for the new Archbishop was held on Sunday 22 July at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral in Waitara. This was a wonderful opportunity for all of us to wish him well.

Galston Christian Education Association (GCEA)

St Benedict’s was pleased to host a successful prayer breakfast in late June to promote the work of GCEA and the local churches in supporting Lachlan Gage and the ministry at Galston High School. It was wonderful to welcome so many from other churches on this occasion. The GCEA annual spring dinner will be held at the Galston Club on Saturday 1 September. It’s always a joyful event.

Weekend Mass Times

St. Benedict’s Catholic Church Arcadia; Mass at the Monastery, 121 Arcadia Rd, Arcadia, at 7 am every morning. Mass at the Parish Centre, Corner Fagans Rd & Arcadia Rd 7 pm Saturday, 9 am Sunday.