galston community news

News from St Benedict’s

Sacramental program for 2017

In what has become a St Benedict’s tradition, during a special Mass the children taking part in the sacramental program leading to confirmation and first communion hand out prayer cards to parishioners to ask for their prayers. This is a lovely ceremony, with children approaching parishioners they may not always know, but who are invariably pleased and honoured to be chosen as prayer supporters. Picture shows Chloe and Oliver Pratt from Glenorie handing their cards to Trish and Jim Shipley.

Easter celebrations

What a sad and joyous time of year Easter is. St Benedict’s was packed for the Easter services which ran from Holy Thursday, where we commemorated Jesus’s Last Supper, through the sorrow of Good Friday and then the happiness of Easter Sunday with its celebration of the risen Lord.

Catechist News

We’re so grateful to the dedicated group of parishioners who take the Word of God to the children in our local schools. Each month they organise a Children’s Mass where many of the important roles are filled by the children themselves. The children in the schools finished off Term One with a DVD or Easter play that reflected on the true meaning of Easter.

Project Compassion

Each year during Lent, the six-week period leading up to Easter, parishioners from St Benedict’s join in support of Project Compassion. At the beginning of Lent families take home small collection boxes. Family members try to not only put donations into the box during the Lenten period but also to think about the many people throughout the world who are in need. Project Compassion is run by Caritas Australia and this year Caritas focused on stories from people in the Philippines, Timor Leste, Indigenous Australia, Vietnam and Fiji. In 2016 Project Compassion throughout Australia raised more than $11 million for the world’s poorest communities. Let’s hope we can raise this national total in 2017!

Weekend Mass Times

St. Benedict’s Catholic Church Arcadia; Mass at the Monastery, 121 Arcadia Rd, Arcadia, at 7 am every morning. Mass at the Parish Centre, Corner Fagans Rd & Arcadia Rd 7 pm Saturday, 9 am Sunday.