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Turrell Building

Dural and District Historical Society Inc – News From History Cottage

Marks on silver tell many stories, and some are to be told at the Society’s first meeting for 2020. At last, we are able to come together, to enjoy each others company and to hear our guest speaker. With the kind permission of the Uniting Church in School Road, Galston, we will meet on Saturday the 8th May at 2.00 pm. This venue will enable us to maintain social distancing.

Christine Erratt, our speaker, is a researcher, publisher and authority on Australian Silver. Australia did not have a requirement to hallmark, so silversmiths were left to design their own and Christine’s definitive publication provides a means of identifying such pieces. She will bring some of her collection and encourages owners to bring treasures for assessment.

Another story from the Cottage is the silver trophy shown in the photograph. This trophy was “Presented to Dural A & H. Society for the Most Successful Exhibitor (Fruit Section) Annual Show 1934 by James Patrick & Co. Ltd. won by A.H. Bennett “. With those few words many questions can be asked and answers given.

Come to the meeting on the 8th May, see the silver and enjoy afternoon tea. All welcome.


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