galston community news

News From History Cottage

Our June speaker, Stuart Read gave a most thorough and interesting talk which generated many questions; wine is obviously a popular topic. Three days later members boarded the bus for a most enjoyable tour of North Sydney. The beautiful weather, historical architecture and amazing views across the Harbour, made for a wonderful day.

Our Speaker for the 9th July, at 2.00pm in the Uniting Church, Galston, will be Rhonda Ramsey, of Berrilee. Her topic is, “Mount Orient and its original owner, George Edward Ardill”, a most influential and to modern ideas confronting, administrator in the care of orphan and Aboriginal chil-dren in the late 19th C.

The always popular June Roughley Memorial Lecture will be held in the Arcadia Community Hall on the 13th August at 2.00pm. The guest speaker will be Dr Ian Hoskins, author and historian. His subject is his research and writing on Australia and the Pacific. Those with Pacific connections will be especially interested in this very present topical subject.

After many Covid cancellations we have at last been able to secure the esteemed barrister, Mark Tedeschi AM QC, to speak to our 2.00pm meeting on the 10th September in the Uniting Church, Galston. His topic will be “The Myall Creek Massacre 1838”. Mr Tedeschi is a published authority on this subject and to hear his talk, is essential. His books will be available to buy.

Free entry. Gold coin for afternoon tea.
Enquiries please contact 9653 1365

Mr. Mend