galston community news

Arcadian Quilting

He arrived in a small soft bag and spent some time on my latest small quilt, (a forerunner to a new quilting idea)?

He was full of hope, I could tell from his bright shining black eyes and his approach was also very positive.

The approach from ‘the grandchild’ was equally positive, as an explanation was given regarding the hole beneath the Blue Bear’s arm.

“The (filling) beads are falling out Grandma” … well, there was nothing else for it really; the quilting was pushed aside, the needle and thread (blue of course) was produced and the repair began.

Perhaps this has been a familiar scene for other sewing ladies during the school holidays and a delightful reason to pause and enjoy the company of our younger family members.

The Community Quilts continue for us and recently we presented another Raffle Quilt to the Riding for the Disabled group with the hope that the rewards from the raffle along with our cash donation of $500 will lighten their financial load in providing food and ongoing care for their wonderful horses. One can only imagine the difficulties RDA have endured during all the recent wet weather so every opportunity to give them some help is important.

This small quilt is one of our Community Quilts, a ‘rescue’ of what we call orphan blocks. Block designs that perhaps have been left-over from another project, or even work started by another quilter and never finished, however the end result is ‘clever’ and will give warmth and comfort to someone in the community who needs a hug-in-a-rug !!

We currently meet at the CWA hall off Annangrove Road, Dural (opp the Fire Shed) on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of each month at 9.30 AM. For further information please call Carole on 9894 7749. Stay well, stay in touch and stay HAPPY.

new quilting idea