Concert unites local volunteers in support of Aussie Farmers
The number of attendees at the concert was below expectations however the contributions made by the performers (all giving their time and service without a fee); the Community Groups; the Australian Community Inspired Association Inc. (ACIA) volunteers; and Multicultural NSW to aid the Aussie farmers was greatly appreciated. Almost $2,000 has been raised from the event and donations are still being accepted at PO Box 518 Cherrybrook or direct debit to ACIA Inc. 062401 – 10300330. The total amount (100%) of donations received will be receipted by Aussie Helpers Ltd and is tax deductible and without any admin costs.
ACIA President Bob Waller said The Concert of Colour was a multicultural event dedicated to helping our Aussie Farmers – Sadly it is an unknown fact by many the suicide rate of our Aussie farmers is the highest of any occupation in Australia and numbers reported are averaging two a week. It is one of several ways we intend to show our rural farmers the very multicultural city folk do care and that the words ‘No Farmers No Food effects everyone.
Both the Hon Raymond Williams Minister for Multiculturalism and Disability Services and Rev Lorna Magen the Advocate and Sydney representative for Aussie Helpers Ltd expressed their praise and congratulated Bob and the ACIA Management Team for the wonderful initiative that brought the community together for such an important cause.
Rev Lorna said, “The cohesion and diversity of support from within the local community was a beautiful feature of the event.
The concert brought together some wonderful local artists to support international rock legend Lucky Starr. TV personality Mike Bailey was the Master of (entertainment) Ceremonies for the event
Email or phone Bob on or 0438410030 if you would like more information on the ACIA social or management activities including future fund raising efforts for the Aussie Farmers.